The last couple of weeks have been very interesting, to say the least. I have turned 35, maintained a 1 1/2 pound loss, and been working in and out of my home very hard.
I got a Gym membership and an I pod shuffle for my birthday which is perfect because I can just go in and Jam to my music! I am finding that all of this examining my heart and the real reason my weight is out of control is actually very taxing. I have found myself going from one High to a very low. I continue to ask myself how I have let this get out of hand, and I am committed to keeping this change alive. Bear with me, I know it's a long haul ahead but I am going to chug a lug along and Let God work on me from the inside out!
Friday, August 15, 2008
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Good girl! I have to tell you frozen grapes are SO good! We've been taking them to the movies...and in the heat they are such a relief! :)
Don't beat yourself up about how you got here...applaud yourself for what you are doing to help yourself NOW. :)
My most successful bout with this was when I lost 56 was hard and long, but when I would look in the mirror and go ugh, I quickly threw it out and said out loud, that's okay, I'm working on it today. Sounds stupid, but it helped SO much.
Hang in there honey!
It is a long haul, but with God and us out hear we are all cheering you on, and it won't seem so long after are not ALONE!!
Love, Jeannene
Baby steps... keep it up !! You have lot's of love and support from us. We love you and are cheering you on the side lines !!! Hope to see you soon !!
Love, Mica
Mama Chickki says hello and love you too !!!
Hi Loriloo
Hurray for you. You are to be honored for going to the gym. I just cannot get my rear out there and exercise. You need to get on my case about that.
How did you do this week? Keep up the good work. You are getting off to a great start.
Love you bunches
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